Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to style long hair for Men?

hello folks, i live in a hot weather country, i used to leave my hair long but with the heat and winds it goes messy and i hate it when it covers my face.

i used to use some cream but with that hot weather you will feel dirty like hell and start scratch your head.

i switched to Gel, i bought the one which says ';Wet Look';, it was fine but it gave the hair some dryness.

my hair now is meduim length and i plan to make it long but not too much long, i like it like Colin Farrell in Miami Vice movie in this picture: the man on the right.

any good ideas?How to style long hair for Men?
look, long-hair? Hot weather? a big nono, especially the ';Bald'; look is back here to stay. want my advice? go bald, girls love it.How to style long hair for Men?
edi...ipitan mo.
cut ur hair
A good pair of scissors.
like mine! lol
A mullet would be an excellent idea. And a handlebar moustache.
I'd have to go with getting it cut, since personally, I hate how it looks.
if you go with the collin farrel look go with out the high lights
try products by tigi bed head. they make pretty good styling products that actually work. (and are good for your hair) you may need to go to a salon to get them although i have seen them in a target and the grocery store.
snip, snip
like mine
ponytail or braid stupid I have have had long hair all my live (except when in prison)and would not change it for anything

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