Thursday, January 26, 2012

Help! I need some good styles for long hair to use in a professional workplace. I'm tired of ponytails?

My hair is about 2 inches below my shoulder. I love it this length, but I need some ideas to keep it up and away from my face, while still looking in-style. I've also wanted to learn how to french braid my hair--I did it on my dolls when I was younger, but my arms get tired when I try to do it on myself. Any tips with that? Thanks!

I don't want to cut it, because it's a little frizzy, and I'm concerned that if I cut it the frizz will just look worse. It also grows very slowly.Help! I need some good styles for long hair to use in a professional workplace. I'm tired of ponytails?
my hair's a lot longer than yours and I feel like no matter what I start out with, its in a low pony when I leave the office. I like to straighten it but on my lazt days a clip at the neck is cute and professional, or keep it straight and curl the ends ( ie: Jessica Simpson) and that will keep it neat, together and keep you from having it in your face (it's cute + flirty too) Also, when you style it use Silk Infussion by CHI to control frizz and add natural shine- it works miracles!!Help! I need some good styles for long hair to use in a professional workplace. I'm tired of ponytails?
I have pretty much the exact same problem. My hair is the same length with long layers. I've gotten so tired of blow-drying it straight in the morning (especially in the summer heat!), so I've been resorting to ponytails several days a week.

I have found a couple of products that help keep the frizz under control and enhance my natural waves when I wear it down without blow-drying: Bumble %26amp; Bumble's Brilliantine and Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum - they both smell great, too.

You can also find some great hair tips here:
french twist always works, as well as a simple bun or a braid
i know u don't want to cut, but why not give it shape w/out loosing length? try a long layered shaggy style angled to the face? it will help the frizz, give you a polished, professional look, and the layers won't fall in your face.
u can use a clip and just clip it back away from ur face and leave some down...i do that alot at work...its pretty and no ponytail!

or a bun...i like that too but its a little oldish lookin some hairstyles!! good luck!
y not jus let it dry natuarlly sorry cant spell.. and just straighten your fringe, that look is in at the moment
I always play with my hair when I have it down. I like to take the front portion and put it in a clip in the back of my head. That way the hair is out of my face but it isn't just the pony tail style. I usually just wear a pony tail because it is easier, I don't want to spend hours on a hair style that cannot last through the work day, and most braids or other styles just don't last that long.
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Makeup/Hair styles
What ever you do don't cut that beautiful hair . There are all kinds of ways to deal with the prob at work !
try a french twist, its easy,just twist it untill its tight to your head tuck and pin.
You can always try putting it into a bun...they are stylish and very professional looking.

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