Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can anyone help me with some hair styles for long hair...im going to camp in 4days n i want to look nice?

im going to camp in about 4 days...i have long hair and we are not allowed to bring flat irons.i need some nice looking updos that i can try..got any advice??Can anyone help me with some hair styles for long hair...im going to camp in 4days n i want to look nice?
Well, you can put it in a pony tail, curl it, braid it, or........ putit in a bun to keep your hair out of your face. I have long hair also. Don't worry, you're not alone.Can anyone help me with some hair styles for long hair...im going to camp in 4days n i want to look nice?
you cant go wrong with a ponytail
Low pony tails with side parts in front are very ';in';. You can leave your pony tail down, or make it a messy bun. It's a great look for camp! Just DON'T french braid. It's too cliche camping hair. If still wanna be cute at camp, then work the pony or bun at the nape of your neck.

-Lola %26amp; Giselle
a ponytail, braids, or messy bun is your best bet.

if you can carry a purse around, bring a little hairbrush and hairspray to keep your hair in place.
A French braid will do the trick. Make sure the stylist gets it good and tight so it won't fall out. Have fun on your trip and make sure you have plenty of water to drink and insect repellent is a must too.
hardly wear any clothes and the clothes that you wear must be very small and tight, that way no one will pay attention to your hair
i like to wear to two french braids when im at camp, its cute and keeps ur hair out of your face.

you could also try some chopsticks.. they sell pretty ones for your hair, just twist hair into bun and use sticks to hold it up.. if u have a claires or afterthoughts they have really good ones!!
Let me look........
when I go to camp, I wash my hair and put in products, then double french braid it. my hair stays out of my eyes and I don't have to worry about it at all. ponytails always work great. you don't want to worry about it too much, because no one else there will be worried about it!
depending on your face structure and type of hair, if you have a round face....layers is the way to go!!!! when u go to the hair salon tell them your perdicament, they;ll help you!
put your hair into a low ponytail and pull half of the hiar through a pretty clipl so u have a little loop. slick it all down with gel. then to complete the look, make ur eyes all smoky and pretty . this look came straight out of cosmo girl and its REALLY pretty!
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